Performance / socio-cultural projects

Caravan (sociocultural and dance theater project)

in search for cultural and/or financial partners


Promote the development of citizens with balanced their body-mind and a happy community, using danced and non-danced movement as a tool for the development of the community well being.

Optional/second phase, create a dance theater show with non-dancers.

The community can be people in difficult social conditions (job seekers, prisoners, disadvantaged or marginalized neighborhoods, young adolescents, etc.). The choreographer remains open to proposals.

Origin of the idea:

Driss has worked with non-dancer adults, during his well-being courses for individuals and corporate team-buildings, also during educators training (for the French Institute in Morocco). The majority of participants had no dance or movement experience. However, after three hours of running these workshops, he saw these people expressing rich, original movements, and he realized that some of them had great expressive potential that one can make use of in performing arts. These people in turn discovered a new mean of self-expression and well-being. See this video testimonial.

These experiences confirmed the existence of a great potential for body language and dance in non-dancer adults. This potential only seeks to be spotted, developed and directed inside a performance project. This project responds to this need.


In quantitative terms, the objective of the project is:

1. To introduce 50 to 100 people, in five cities/regions, to dance and bodily expression, and allow them to realize personal development through body awareness.

2. To identify strong body language/expression abilities, and to create a show using these expressive abilities.

Target population :

Main target: amateur performing artists.

Board target: Adults (from 23/25 years old), with or without dance experience, but with experience, motivated and available to join the project team.

Interested organizations are invited to contact the choreographer to discuss the details of the project.

socio-cultural project morocco
socio-cultural project morocco
Bridgewater Joy Residence

Co-designed by the world-renowned architect James Smith, our Bridgewater Joy residences offer top views of the nearby lake Michigan. Perfect for a small family, a professional couple, or anyone looking to set up a home office.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Pleasantview Gem Inn

Not just pleasant on the outside, our Pleasantview Gem Inn properties are especially popular among families. With underground parking and floor-to-ceiling windows, there's no shortage of natural light or space.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building